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Academy Coaching

Our Junior Academy is a follow on from our Rock Stars classes, with more structured classes led by a Climb Newcastle coach.

Please talk to a Climb Newcastle staff member to discuss suitability for a Junior Academy class.

What's the key info?

Where?Climb Newcastle @ The Pool, Byker
When?Every weekend morning and school holidays
For what ages?Sessions for ages 7-9, 10-13, 14-17

How to book on?

Note for existing customers

On February 18th we moved to a new climbing management system and all customers will need to follow the below steps to book and participate in sessions

Booking is through our Capitan site:

Book a slot on Capitan

- Click through to Capitan for availability here or using the below button
- Select a free slot and the number of participants.
- Enter your details and then details of the participant(s).

Book an Academy class >

Complete the Coaching Acknowledgement of Risks form

After payment and confirmation, you will be asked to complete the Coaching Acknowledgement of Risks and Registration Form.

Invite from Capitan

After completing the registration form, you'll receive an e-mail inviting you to Capitan. Follow the link to add a password and this will give you access to your account where you can manage bookings, documents and more