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Coaching Weekend: 18th - 19th January 2025

Our coaching weekends are a fantastic opportunity to get free-with-your-entry coaching for current climbers, with guest coaches and workshops on everything from technique to training to yoga. Please book your place using the links below.

For new climbers, there's the chance to take part in reduced-price induction sessions

Note: minimum age is 14 for most sessions.

Plan your day

Here's an overview of the sessions running. Scroll down for session info and booking


Induction Join us for... Yoga Coaching with Ollie Coaching with Suzan
09:30 - 10:00    
Movement analysis
10:00 - 11:00

Open Induction

Arm balances
Footwork Masterclass

11:00 -12:00  
12:00 - 13:00 12:00-13:30
Movement analysis

Happy hips and hamstrings

13:00 - 14:00 13:00-14:00
Open Induction

Dynamic Climbing
14:00 - 15:00 14:00-15:00
Join us for Purples

15:00 - 16:00

Join us for Greens

16:00 - 17:00 16:00-17:00
Join us for Yellows
17:00 - 18:00 17:00-18:00
Open Induction




Induction Join us for... Yoga Coaching with Ollie Coaching with Suzan
09:30 - 10:00    
10:00 - 11:00

Open Induction

Improving posture and shoulder mobility
Efficient Climbing

11:00 -12:00  
12:00 - 13:00

Meditation and breathing techniques

13:00 - 14:00 13:00-14:00
Open Induction

Dynamic Climbing
14:00 - 15:00 14:00-15:00
Join us for Purples

15:00 - 16:00

Join us for Greens

16:00 - 17:00 16:00-17:00
Join us for Yellows
17:00 - 18:00 17:00-18:00
Open Induction


Before booking a session, please log in, or create an account and complete our registration section.

Ollie Grady

Coaching Workshops with Ollie Grady

Ollie Grady is part of our coaching team at Climb Newcastle and runs one to one coaching sessions with a number of our customers.

Ollie is running the following sessions:

  • Footwork Masterclass (Saturday, 90 minutes)
  • Dynamic Climbing (90 minutes)
  • Climbing More Efficiently (aimed at beginners, Sunday, 90 minutes)
Footwork masterclassSaturday 18th January10:30The Valley 5 places
Dynamic ClimbingSaturday 18th January13:00The Valley 3 places
Efficient ClimbingSunday 19th January10:30The Valley 1 places
Dynamic ClimbingSunday 19th January13:00The Valley 1 places

Suzan Dudink coaching

Coaching Workshops with Suzan Dudink

Suzan Dudink is a self-employed climbing coach and routesetter, and is part of our in-house routesetting team here at Climb Newcastle. She is a coach for the GB National Development Squad Coaching.

Movement Analysis Workshop

If you want to gain insight in how your body could move most efficiently on the wall, then this is a session for you to attend. In this session we’ll analyse your movement patterns both on,-and off the wall. And address factors which are currently holding you back.

Movement Analysis WorkshopSaturday 18th January09:30The Valley Not available
Movement Analysis WorkshopSaturday 18th January12:00The Valley Not available

Yoga with Ebba

Yoga tasters

We're delighted to have Ebba Anderson running yoga taster sessions. There are four different sessions running over the weekend:

  • (Saturday) An Introduction to Arm balances
    (aall abilities)
  • (Saturday) Happy hips and hamstrings, intermediate mobility flow
  • (Sunday) Improving posture and shoulder mobility for climbers
    (all abilities)
  • (Sunday) An Introduction to meditation and breathing techniques for athletic performance.
    (all abilities)

Ebba runs yoga at The Valley on a Monday and Thursday

An Introduction to Arm balances (All abilities)Saturday 18th January10:30The Valley 6 places
Happy hips and hamstrings, intermediate mobility flow (intermediate) Saturday 18th January12:30The Valley 7 places
Improving posture and shoulder mobility for climbers (all abilities) Sunday 19th January10:30The Valley 10 places
An Introduction to meditation and breathing techniques for athletic performance. (All abilities) Sunday 19th January12:30The Valley 10 places

Induction Session

Open induction sessions

Reduced price (£10) induction sessions for those new to climbing, introducing basic techhnique and safety information. These are open sessions, so you may be climbing with other participants in a group.

Coaching Weekend Induction sessionSaturday 18th January10:00The Valley 4 places
Coaching Weekend Induction sessionSaturday 18th January13:00The Valley 1 places
Coaching Weekend Induction sessionSaturday 18th January17:00The Valley 5 places
Coaching Weekend Induction sessionSunday 19th January10:00The Valley 1 places
Coaching Weekend Induction sessionSunday 19th January13:00The Valley 1 places
Coaching Weekend Induction sessionSunday 19th January17:00The Valley 5 places


Join us for... sessions

Climb with a coach on your favourite circuit...

In these informal sessions we go on a tour around problems of a particular colour, a great chance to get hints and tips from a coach and to get psych from others climbing at a similar grade.

At this coaching weekend we're running sessions on yellow (4-6b), purple (6a-7a) and green (6b-7b).

Join us for... purples!
Saturday 18th January14:00The Valley 5 places
Join us for... greens!
Saturday 18th January15:00The Valley 5 places
Join us for... yellows!
Saturday 18th January16:00The Valley 4 places
Join us for... purples!
Sunday 19th January14:00The Valley Not available
Join us for... greens!
Sunday 19th January15:00The Valley Not available
Join us for... yellows!
Sunday 19th January16:00The Valley 5 places

Missing out this time?

Watch out for another coaching weekend later in the year.